AnW Bluetooth Service API, offered two sorts of releases
- APP Release (sta5_btsrv_sdk_*) : executable BTDemo, launcher, essentails libraries (.so), and App configures (.xml)
- SDK Release (sta5_btsrv_sdk_*) : open source with AnWBTServiceDemo.cpp, imported essentials libraries (.so), header (anwbtservice.h), and App configures (.xml)
20240430 [TAG:]
change, and source code will be handled by user;
support, which is anw HFP Audio wrapper; bases on
20240308 [TAG:]
Fixed when SDK no device's profile list, it will block connect API;
Fixed when all profile are disconnected, but sdk can not call ACL disconnect API.
20240305 [TAG:]
1. Fixed accept incoming call from phone, SDK auto switch to private mode
2. Modified SPP connection flow to fix auto disconnect problem
3. Fixed SetScanMode didn't disconnect ACL problem
4. Add some log for MAP connection (needs to update btmonitor-config.xml)
20230821 TAG:
1. set hfp autio priority to 99 for hfp audio quality;
20230714 TAG:
1.add max paired device number(1-11) in btmonitor-config.xml file:
maxPairedDeviceNum in 1-11 is valid, if out of range, maxPairedDeviceNum will set 11 as default;
2.delete the oldest paired device info from storage when storage is full;
3.reorder the paired device list after delete the paired device info:
for example, three paired devices devA,devB,devC, delete devB,then pair with devB, after paired, the paired device list will devA,devC,devB.
20230620 TAG:
1.modify did default value;
2.change filename "anw_AA_CP_setting.cfg" to "customer_setting.cfg"
20230511 TAG:
1.Fix issue :set btsnoop to close in btmonitor.xml, still will create btsnoop file
20230508 TAG:
merge #commit 0dfc6334d59671aeebaeb418c80285744a578435
- 0003553: Phonebook Data concurrently download issue
20230331 TAG:
1.Change:updated stack setting from 88W8987 to NXP9098
2.Modify:add some spp log with timestamp
NXP9098:use or newer btsdk version
88W8987:use or older btsdk version
20220519 TAG:
1.Fix:EIR data payload crashed
2.Fix:SPP write fail by CITX delay set
20220518 1.Fix:spp connect fail
1.Fix : Redial or 2nd new call, the audio cannot normal output from HU
1.fix: TAMUL No audio output while toggle output device to "BT" from mobile
2.known & reopen : 0002015: TAMUL_07 outgoing call number is no info return
1.fix 0002009: TAMUL_01 Rapid connections has fail rate;
2.fix 0002010: TAMUL_02 PBAP download has fail rate 3.fix 0002013: TAMUL_05 API PBAP_INFO is failed return, when to phonebook transfer;
4.fix 0002015: TAMUL_07 outgoing call number is no info return;
5.fix 0002016: TAMUL_08 Rapidly Play/Pause switching, cause media info update delay update;
6.fix 0002017: TAMUL_09 The media information update is not regular;
1、modify HFP Audio Transfer;(issue6)
2、add telephone number type in struct AnWBTService_PBAP_TELEPHONE_DATA_S;(issue3)
3、fix issue "Part of name is cut off in the phonebook";(issue4)
1、modify the crash issue of AnWBTSRV_SetScanMode;
2、fix the issue of pair device failed;
1.add "song_id3_interval_ms" in btmonitor-config.xml, default 500ms;
2.Fix HFP 20sec delay issue. root course is SOC audio PCM is customized as slave mode by SI vendor.
[known issue] id3 issue by some phone brand
20220330 TAG:
1.Add member pairingMethodSupported in struct AnWBTService_LocalDevInfo_S;
2.Modify functions: AnWBTSRV_GetLocalDevInfo; AnWBTSRV_GetAllPairedDeviceInfo
20220318 TAG:
- modify demo add hfp audio flow
20220318 TAG:
- Provide AnWBTSRV_HFP_Enable_Audio_Flow function
20220317 TAG:
- Change CFG_HFPAG_PRESENT to 0.
20220315 TAG:
- Added HFP audio wrapper implementation for Tamul platform.
- Enable I2S setting in anwbt.h.
20220303 TAG:
- Fixed Marvell DSPMgr NBS mode did not working.
- Fixed DSPMgr flow was disabled in SDK layer.
20220301 TAG:
- Add: workaround.During the phone call, run following commands to establish audio path.
20220223 TAG:
- Add: "AnWBTSRV_SPP_GetInformation", to get get CP & AA spp uuid information
- Clear Log
20220223 TAG:
- patch audio sound config.
20220222 TAG:
- RAT pass : iPhone/Android + bi-direction connecting. HFP/A2DP/AVRCP/CA/BR
20220221 TAG:
- add AVRCP_BR, AVRCP_CA profile support
- add menu test function of "CA", "BT" ..
20220214 TAG:
- add AVRCP, A2DP profile support
- add menu test function of "A2DP", "AVRCP" ..
20220128 TAG:
- [FUNC]supports pbap downloading & data callback
- [DEMO]update service demo
- [DOC]update SDK API Document
20220128 TAG:
- [FUNC]supports pbap downloading & data callback
- [DEMO]update service demo
- [DOC]update SDK API Document
20220121 TAG:0.0.03
- [FUNC]supports android auto connect & write data to android
- [FUNC]Add some functions, For details, refer to anwbtservice.h
20220118 TAG:TAMUL_BT_V2
- [FUNC]supports iphone carplay connect & write carplay data to iphone
20220117 TAG:TAMUL_BT_V1
- [FUNC] supports basic BT pair & connect