- AnW Bluetooth Service API, offered two sorts of releases
1. App Release: **btsrv**, excutable **BTDemo**, launcher **btsrv_client.sh**, essentails libraries (**.so**), and App configures (**.xml**)
2. SDK Release: **anwbtsrv_sdk**, open source with **AnWBTServiceDemo.cpp**, imported essentials libraries (**.so**), header (**anwbtservice.h**), and App configures (**.xml**)
- 20220118 [TAG:TAMUL_BT_V2](
1. [FUNC]supports iphone carplay connect & write carplay data to iphone
- 20220117 [TAG:TAMUL_BT_V1](
1. [FUNC] supports basic BT pair & connect
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# Usage
1. Support HFP, A2DP, AVRCP, PBAP, .. AnW BT stack
2. Support Device Serarch & Pair, Call, Phonebook, Music, ...
## Pre-Requirement
Modify Combo module init script **/etc/init.d/ubloxinit.sh**
echo "[DDMISO] UBLOX Driver"
modprobe jody-w2-sdiouart
ifconfig uap0
hostapd /etc/ublox/hostapd.conf -B
udhcpd /etc/ublox/udhcpd.conf
ifconfig uap0 up
wpa_supplicant -B -D nl80211 -i mlan0 -c /etc/ublox/wpa_supplicant.conf
#modprobe jody-w2-sdiouart-bt
#hciattach /dev/ttyAMA1 any 3000000 flow
#hciconfig -a hci0 up
#hciconfig -a hci0
udhcpc -i mlan0
## Run App on targets (tamul_btsrv-.zip)
1. unzip
2. Copy results folder /build/btsrv to target /home/btsrv
3. go to target, in terminal entering /btsrv folder
4. run btsrv_client.sh to launch BTDemo demo app and following the menu commands or
> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/btsrv"
### Set Local Device Name
================bluetooth menu=================
> input num: 4
0.set local name
1.set local address
> 0
> input name: TAMUL_MARVELL (for example)
### Power On For BT INIT
================bluetooth menu=================
> input num: 2
Note: Looking for device name (e.g. TAMUL_MARVELL) from mobile, then pair the device with mobile
When mobile shows connected succeed, turn off the BT button from mobile, then turn on the BT button from mobile again.
At this time, mobile has paired storage with the device.
### Connect to SPP
================ BT Test Menu =================
1. Exit
2. StartInquiry
8. ConnectDevice
9. DisconnectDevice
> input num: 8
> input connect addr(xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx): 11:e8:14:da:61:d4 (for example)
Note: You can find mobile BT mac from **"Setting->General->About-> Bluetooth"**
> input profile_mask: 0x00000100
Note: Then, connected.
### Write SPP
================ BT Test Menu =================
1. Exit
2. StartInquiry
8. ConnectDevice
9. DisconnectDevice
> input num: 10
> input connect addr(xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx): 11:e8:14:da:61:d4 (for example)
Note: You can find mobile BT mac from **"Setting->General->About-> Bluetooth"**
>input IAP_data:**ff,55,2,0,ee,10** (for example)
Note: Then, you can receive data back from IPHONE, check log printed:
AnWBTService_SPP_DATA_IND_S sppData:
[ff] [55] [2] [0] [ee] [10]**
## Customize on SDK (tamul_release-.zip)
- unzip
- in terminal entering ./anwbtsrv_sdk/Demo folder
- setup tool-chain by command line (source ...) or edit in ./anwbtsrv_sdk/Demo/build_demo.sh
- run make or build_demo.sh
> cd ./build/anwbtsrv_sdk/Demo
> source /opt/poky-tamul/2.5.1/environment-setup-cortexa9hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi
> make or ./build_demo.sh
then, result is collected in **./Demo/btsrv**
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# SDK Release Structure (tamul_release-.zip)
└── Demo
├── AnWBTServiceDemo.cpp (examples to use anwbtservice)
├── build_demo.sh (build script, call to make)
├── makefile (makefile for BTDemo)
├── btsrv_client.sh (launcher for BTDemo)
├── *.xml, *.cfg (app settings)
├── import (anwbtservice)
│ ├── anwbtservice.h (service api header)
│ └── *.so (essentials libraries)
└── btsrv (ouput for produced, e.g. BTDemo)
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