AnW Bluetooth Service API, offered two sorts of releases
1. [APP Release (sta5_btsrv_sdk_*)](#run-app-on-targets-sta5_btsrv_app.zip) : executable **BTDemo**, launcher **btsrv_client.sh**, essentails libraries (**.so**), and App configures (**.xml**)
2. [SDK Release (sta5_btsrv_sdk_*)](#run-app-on-targets-sta5_btsrv_app.zip) : open source with **AnWBTServiceDemo.cpp**, imported essentials libraries (**.so**), header (**anwbtservice.h**), and App configures (**.xml**)
20220425 [TAG:](http://git-nas03.anwsoft.com:8088/delly.chen/anw_bt_srv/-/tags/
1.fix: TAMUL No audio output while toggle output device to "BT" from mobile
2.known & reopen : 0002015: TAMUL_07 outgoing call number is no info return
20220425 [TAG:](http://git-nas03.anwsoft.com:8088/delly.chen/anw_bt_srv/-/tags/
1.fix 0002009: TAMUL_01 Rapid connections has fail rate;
2.fix 0002010: TAMUL_02 PBAP download has fail rate
3.fix 0002013: TAMUL_05 API PBAP_INFO is failed return, when to phonebook transfer;
4.fix 0002015: TAMUL_07 outgoing call number is no info return;
5.fix 0002016: TAMUL_08 Rapidly Play/Pause switching, cause media info update delay update;
6.fix 0002017: TAMUL_09 The media information update is not regular;
20220412 [TAG:](http://git-nas03.anwsoft.com:8088/delly.chen/anw_bt_srv/-/tags/
1、modify HFP Audio Transfer;(issue6)
2、add telephone number type in struct AnWBTService_PBAP_TELEPHONE_DATA_S;(issue3)
3、fix issue "Part of name is cut off in the phonebook";(issue4)
20220406 [TAG:](http://git-nas03.anwsoft.com:8088/delly.chen/anw_bt_srv/-/tags/
1、modify the crash issue of AnWBTSRV_SetScanMode;
2、fix the issue of pair device failed;
20220401 [TAG:](http://git-nas03.anwsoft.com:8088/delly.chen/anw_bt_srv/-/tags/
1.add "song_id3_interval_ms" in btmonitor-config.xml, default 500ms;
2.Fix HFP 20sec delay issue. root course is SOC audio PCM is customized as slave mode by SI vendor.
[known issue] id3 issue by some phone brand
20220330 [TAG:](http://git-nas03.anwsoft.com:8088/delly.chen/anw_bt_srv/-/tags/
1.Add member pairingMethodSupported in struct AnWBTService_LocalDevInfo_S;
2.Modify functions:
20220318 [TAG:](http://git-nas03.anwsoft.com:8088/delly.chen/anw_bt_srv/-/tags/
1. modify demo add hfp audio flow
20220318 [TAG:](http://git-nas03.anwsoft.com:8088/delly.chen/anw_bt_srv/-/tags/
1. Provide AnWBTSRV_HFP_Enable_Audio_Flow function
20220317 [TAG:](http://git-nas03.anwsoft.com:8088/delly.chen/anw_bt_srv/-/tags/
1. Change CFG_HFPAG_PRESENT to 0.
20220315 [TAG:](http://git-nas03.anwsoft.com:8088/delly.chen/anw_bt_srv/-/tags/
1. Added HFP audio wrapper implementation for Tamul platform.
2. Enable I2S setting in anwbt.h.
20220303 [TAG:](http://git-nas03.anwsoft.com:8088/delly.chen/anw_bt_srv/-/tags/
1. Fixed Marvell DSPMgr NBS mode did not working.
2. Fixed DSPMgr flow was disabled in SDK layer.
20220301 [TAG:](http://git-nas03.anwsoft.com:8088/delly.chen/anw_bt_srv/-/tags/
- Add: workaround.During the phone call, run following commands to establish audio path.
20220223 [TAG:](http://git-nas03.anwsoft.com:8088/delly.chen/anw_bt_srv/-/tags/
- Add: "AnWBTSRV_SPP_GetInformation", to get get CP & AA spp uuid information
- Clear Log
20220223 [TAG:](http://git-nas03.anwsoft.com:8088/delly.chen/anw_bt_srv/-/tags/
- patch audio sound config.
20220222 [TAG:](http://git-nas03.anwsoft.com:8088/delly.chen/anw_bt_srv/-/tags/
- RAT pass : iPhone/Android + bi-direction connecting. HFP/A2DP/AVRCP/CA/BR
20220221 [TAG:](http://git-nas03.anwsoft.com:8088/delly.chen/anw_bt_srv/-/tags/
1. add AVRCP_BR, AVRCP_CA profile support
2. add menu test function of "CA", "BT" ..
20220214 [TAG:](http://git-nas03.anwsoft.com:8088/delly.chen/anw_bt_srv/-/tags/
1. add AVRCP, A2DP profile support
2. add menu test function of "A2DP", "AVRCP" ..
20220128 [TAG:](http://git-nas03.anwsoft.com:8088/delly.chen/anw_bt_srv/-/tags/
1. [FUNC]supports pbap downloading & data callback
2. [DEMO]update service demo
3. [DOC]update SDK API Document
20220128 [TAG:](http://git-nas03.anwsoft.com:8088/delly.chen/anw_bt_srv/-/tags/
1. [FUNC]supports pbap downloading & data callback
2. [DEMO]update service demo
3. [DOC]update SDK API Document
20220121 [TAG:0.0.03](
1. [FUNC]supports android auto connect & write data to android
2. [FUNC]Add some functions, For details, refer to anwbtservice.h
20220118 [TAG:TAMUL_BT_V2](
1. [FUNC]supports iphone carplay connect & write carplay data to iphone
20220117 [TAG:TAMUL_BT_V1](
1. [FUNC] supports basic BT pair & connect
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